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Local Programming

April 9, 2019All Things Northwest

April 2019

The first segment is with Ross Malone, Missouri Historian, who joins us by phone and talks about his collection of stories of Missouri history including the Squirrel Cage jail tourist attraction that dates back to the 1800’s, the Honey Wars of North Missouri and Southern Iowa, some of his favorite characters, his plans for Missouri’s Bicentennial in 2021, his award winning “This Day in Missouri History,” features and other favorite stories from North Missouri.

One of the historic disputes between Missouri and Iowa in the rich history of the two states is the Honey War.  The Honey War was a bloodless territorial dispute over the Iowa-Missouri border in 1839.  Missouri Historian Ross Malone says the Honey War began over a 9 and a half mile wide area of the entire Iowa-Missouri boundary caused by a misunderstandings of the Louisiana Purchase and a misreading of the Native American treaties.

"One of the reference points was the falls on the Des Moines River.  Well, there are no falls on the Des Moines River.  A few miles east there are some rapids on the Mississippi.  That's probably what they had in mind.  Anyway, for whatever reason, the north border of Missouri wasn't well defined.  When they carved up the Wisconsin Territory and created Iowa, then we actually had another governmental entity there that we're having to deal with and that meant taxes and the sheriff's work trying to collect taxes in their counties."

A Missouri Sheriff was even jailed collecting taxes in Iowa and three trees containing beehives were cut down.

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In segment two, we feature Dr. Christine Benson and Dr. Cheryl Malm on Northwest’s participation in the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Carnegie Initiative.

Dr. Benson says, "..we want to have consistency between institutions."  College Algebra has kept many people from getting a degree, so Northwest allows students to take math courses that will help them.  Dr. Benson says that they don't want math used "as a gate keeper but as a tool to help you succeed in your profession."

"First, you need to identify the math you need to take," Dr. Malm states.  Students were coming to college with different backgrounds and had to back up and take pre-requisites that set them back financially and in time.  Dr. Malm says the Math Pathways Initiative was to address this.  The Initiative helps students get the math they need for their profession and gain time.  

To hear the full conversation, click the link above.