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News Brief

July 11, 2019Jefferson City, MO |  By: John Coffey

Wind Farm Tax bill becomes law on August 28th

Missouri Governor Mike Parson has signed legislation ensuring tax revenues generated by wind farms stay local.

The bill was sponsored by First District State Representative Allen Andrews, a Republican from Grant City. The measure calls for tax revenues generated by a wind farm owned by a public utility to stay in the county where the wind farm is located instead of being spread throughout the utility's service grid.

Andrews says this will keep revenue from a wind farm being developed in Atchison County by Ameren (a utility company based in eastern Missouri) in Atchison County. Andrews also anticipates similar developments to locate in northwest Missouri.

"If you look at the wind maps, north Missouri is right in the region where the wind really blows really strong.  And so works really great for this.  It's been a great thing.  It's been a boon for our local counties and our ability to capture extra tax revenue that we wouldn't have been able to otherwise."

Andrews adds the Ameren project in Atchison County could mean more than one million dollars of tax revenue for the county.  With Parson's signature, the bill will become law on August 28th.