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News Brief

July 24, 2019Kansas City, MO |  By: AP

ICE officers questioned about the use of force

A Missouri congressman is questioning why immigration officials broke a car window and pulled a Mexican national out of his car while his girlfriend and their children were in the back seat.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Shawn Neudauer say the officers' actions were justified during the arrest of Florencio Millan in Kansas City on Monday. Millan re-entered the U.S. illegally after being deported in 2011.

Millan's girlfriend, Cheyenne Hoyt, posted a video to Facebook showing the couple asking for a warrant before Millan will agree to leave the car.
After about 30 minutes, an ICE officer breaks the window and others help drag Millan out.

U.S. Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver of Missouri said on Twitter he's concerned about the use of force and trauma to the children.