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News Brief

July 26, 2019Chillicothe, MO |  By: Molly Gardner

Alcohol-related accidents occured over the weekend in Chillicothe

During the weekend, the Chillicothe Police Department worked two accidents where alcohol was the cause of the incident.

The Missouri State highway Patrol and the Chillicothe Police Department are conducting an incident investigation that involved speeds of 100 miles per hour, where the driver was believed to be under the influence of alcohol and not wearing his seatbelt. The other incident included two small children in the vehicle and the driver was also driving around 100 miles per hour prior to the accident.

Sergeant Curtis Hayes with the Chillicothe Police Department says drinking while driving can not only be harmful to yourself, but to others around you.

"Alcohol is an impairment; it lowers your inhibitions.  It also makes them believe that they can do things that they normally wouldn't do such as driving a vehicle at certain levels.  While they are driving, they feel safe inside their vehicle, when in actuality,  it's like a loaded gun.  It's a big piece of machinery that can be very dangerous and very deadly.  It cause injury to the driver and to anyone else who may be along the road."

Hayes encourages drivers that if they are going to drink, to have a designated driver or to call a cab.