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News Brief

July 15, 2019Jefferson City, MO |  By: AP

ACLU seeks signatures to put new anti-abortion law to a public vote

Timing threatens to stymie efforts by the American
Civil Liberties Union to put a new Missouri anti-abortion law to a public vote .

The Missouri Supreme Court on Friday refused to intervene to force the state's
top Republican election official to act quickly on the referendum petition.

Attorneys for the ACLU of Missouri say if Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft
doesn't act fast, that could leave the organization with only two weeks to
collect the more than 100,000 signatures needed to put the law to a vote.

At issue is a new law banning abortions at eight weeks of pregnancy or later.
Most of the law, including the eight-week ban, takes effect Aug. 28. That's the
deadline for the ACLU to gather enough signatures to put the law to a vote.