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News Brief

Feb. 14, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: John Coffey

Winter weather taking a toll on city streets

Winter weather is taking its toll on streets and highways. Maryville City Manager Greg McDanel says city workers are having a hard time keeping up with the demands of fixing potholes.

"The timing of these events and the temperatures all combine to lead to a freeze & thaw cycle that gets moisture in potholes and cracks in our asphalt and pops them out.  City staff has been working non-stop to fix the potholes out there when we're not performing snow removal duties.  However, due to the temperatures, these patches will not stay in a permanent fashion until we get a little warmer weather."

McDanel adds the winter storms are also affecting the city budget with the cost of snow removal from the city streets.

"The city of Maryville spent $57,000 in January alone.  We're well on our way to matching that number for February.  And that does not include the repairs that we're doing and the material we're using for that or future maintenance issues when the winter completes."

The National Weather Service is calling for another snow storm to move through the region on Friday.