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News Brief

Feb. 21, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: John Coffey

Snowline is preventing waterfowl migration

The large amount of snowfall the region has received in the past few weeks is delaying the arrival of waterfowl this season. Andrew County Conservation Agent Anthony Maupin says most of the snow geese are currently in Arkansas waiting for the snows to subside in northwest Missouri.

"They tend to follow the snowline, so they are still south.  And we've got quite a bit of snow here obviously and further south.  So once the fields start getting exposed and those birds can find a little open water somewhere, they'll start pushing north.  And they'll start resting on the refuges or out on the river and then feeding out on these fields.  So far right now the migration is not great for hunting, but they'll get here eventually."

A complete interview with Maupin can be heard this morning at 9:06 on KXCV/KRNW.