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News Brief

Feb. 25, 2019Jefferson City, MO |  By: Kramer Sansone

MO Senator Hegeman discusses revenues and budget

Missouri State Senator Dan Hegeman, a Repulican from Cosby, says the Missouri General Assembly is currently reviewing the state's revenues and the budget for the next fiscal year. Hegeman says state revenues are down a bit from this time last year, but improving since the start of this year.

"So we're kind of in a low of $536 million, less than when compared to the same time last year.  So basically, in a month's time frame, four weeks, the numbers have changed approximately 220 million.  Revenues are beginning to trend in the expected direction.  You know, that's really encouraging, looking to truly be where we hope that it would be and certainly moving in that direction so we don't end the year with a big deficit or begin the next year with a big deficit."

Hegeman adds personal income in Missouri is up 2.1 percent.

"And we'll see the next release of this bureau economic analysis will come forth March 26th and that probably should give us a good feel for how 2018 headed up. Many of us think that personal income as a whole are basically with full employment, people working hard, people getting some benefits of some income increases, pay increases, really coming through pretty well at the 2.1%. That's really encouraging for the budget as well but also more encouraging about the economy and how well it's doing in the state of Missouri.  Really glad to see that and people are recognizing some of the strength of our economy.  As a whole, it's a really good thing."