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News Brief

Feb. 15, 2019Andrew County, MO |  By: John Coffey

Ice fishing clinic to be held Feb. 23rd

One positive from this winter's extreme cold temperatures is conditions are right for people interested in ice fishing. The Missouri Department of Conservation will hold an ice fishing workshop later this month in Andrew County for persons wanting to learn how to ice fish. Fisheries Management Biologist with MDC, Eric Dennis, says his department attempts to offer ice fishing clinics every winter when possible.

"We try to do this every year.  It's just a different technique that a lot of people are not familiar with.  So we try to do some different things like this on a yearly basis. But yes, it's very weather dependent.  We've had them a couple years in a row.  We've missed a couple because of weather when we have no ice.  But we always wait until there's safe ice to take out the general public.  So we've got upwards of 8 to 10 inches of ice right now which is  ample ice to have an ice fishing clinic that's safe."

Dennis says his department will have everything a person will need to ice fish at the clinic.

"We'll provide all the bait, all the ice fishing poles.  We'll give a little how to session before the clinic starts.  And then we'll take you out.  We'll have some pre-drilled holes and hopefully catch some fish."

The Ice Fishing Workshop will be held Saturday, February 23rd at the Happy Holler Lake Conservation Area northeast of Savannah in Andrew County.  Participants are asked to pre-register by calling the Missouri Department of Conservation's Northwest Regional Office in St. Joseph.