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News Brief

Feb. 26, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: Noah Cooper

Below average temps expected till March 10th

Northwest Missouri saw an upward trend in snowfall and temperatures this month. Meteorologist with the National Weather Service Jimmy Barham says snowfall has increased this February while temperatures have fallen.

"So far this month, we've got 15.1 inches of snow in that area. The temperatures, it looks like the highest temperature we got was 57 but the lowest was -4.  Looking back at last year, it looks like you only had 5 inches of snow for the whole month, so we're well ahead as far as last year's precipitation of snow.  Temperature-wise it looks like we're also looking at quite a bit colder.  If we average all the high temperatures, we're at 29.  Last year was 36.  Minimum temperatures this year was 8.9 if you average them, and it was 15.3 last year."

Barham also says temperatures will get colder at the start of next month.

"Right now the Climate Prediction Center is expecting us to be 90% chance of being below average temperatures.  I just took a quick look at one of our models out through, I think, March 10th.  And tomorrow night we're probably going to have a little freezing drizzle and Friday it looks like 1 to 3 inches, potentially up in your area Friday night. As that cold air comes in at the back side of that system, your area is looking to go below freezing and not back to above freezing till about March 10th.  So we're looking for a really, really long period of below average temperatures."