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News Brief

Oct. 26, 2018 |  By: Noah Cooper

New logo & weight room discussed at the Jefferson Board of Ed meeting

The Jefferson Board of Education met in regular session earlier this week. Jefferson Superintendent Tim Jermain says board adopted a new Platte Valley logo with the change due to their co-op with South Nodaway in athletics.  

"Starting next year for all athletic activities we will be co-oped with South Nodaway in all of those.  Currently for this year, we were co-oped with everything except varsity basketball programs.  Next year, since we will be co-oped in everything, the board felt like that we needed to come up with a common logo that could be used throughout the co-op.  Because our current practice has been we've been mascoting whoever is hosting that activity, but since we're co-oping and everything, that led to the adoption of that logo."

Jermain says the board also accepted a weight room bid contingent on a donation from their foundation. 

"We currently don't have a weight room, our weights are located on our stage.  And that was one of our goals when we did our gym construction was to find a way to get the weight equipment off our stage which is used for music productions and things like that.  So it'll allow us to vacated our stage from weight room activities and we'll be able to use it more freely for other activities."