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News Brief

Oct. 12, 2018 |  By: Noah Cooper

Every Wise program encourages checking insulation

The Nebraska Public Power District's Every Wise program encourages everyone to check their insulation as the weather cools. Media Relations Specialist, Grant Otten says proper insulation in the attic could save homeowners money this winter.

"If you check your attic and the insulation, if there's not enough insulation in your house, you could be losing money because you're basically paying to heat or cool your attic.  Obviously as we get into the winter time here when people are using more warm heat through electricity, that heat will rise and go up into the attic if you don't have the insulation properly placed throughout your attic."

Otten adds sealing cracks could help heat loss in the attic. 

"Something as simple as maybe a little hole in the side of can light or some room between your fan where the fan butts up against the wood, or the drywall and the ceiling if there's a crack.  If it's not sealed, it can go through there, that air will suck up through there.  It may not seem like a lot but slowly you're going to keep losing air up through those areas.  Those need to be sealed up properly.

Otten adds if customers have loose fill or blow in insulation it needs to be at least six inches deep.

"If you have 6 inches or less, then you probably need to add some more insulation, ideally depending on what the R-value is of certain products.  You want to have at least a foot of insulation, sometimes more depending on where you live and that's something you can check with your local contractor to see if they have a better measurement of what your house can use."

For more information about about the Nebraska Public Power District's Energy Wise program visit .