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News Brief

Oct. 24, 2018St. Joseph, MO |  By: Kramer Sansone

Creepy Crawly Halloween event planned for October 26th

The Missouri Department of Conservation will offer a family Halloween even featuring critters like leeches, mosquitoes and ticks from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, October 26 at the Northwest Regional Office, 701 James McCarthey Drive, in Saint Joseph. Community Education Specialist Shelby Smith says there are a lot of creepy crawlies covered in the program.

"I have a program on leeches, mosquitoes, ticks, and flees - all things that can injure you because people love to learn about those things.  I have some snakes, tarantulas, hissing cockroaches, salamanders that the kids can look at.  I have a fighter craft that the kids can do and a touch table where the kids can reach in and feel cool stuff."

This is the first year for the event and Smith adds she wanted to come up with something fun for kids.

"I wanted to start a new event.  I know Trick or Treating is always really cold so I wanted to give kids an opportunity to wear their costumes inside.  And everyone likes learning about the fun creepy crawlies that we always hear about in winter.  Along those lines."

Special presentations by the M-D-C staff begin Friday evening at six-thirty, seven and seven-thirty at the Northwest Regional Conservation office in St. Joseph.