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News Brief

Oct. 16, 2018 |  By: John Coffey

Buy Missouri Program

Missouri Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe is traveling through Missouri this week promoting the Buy Missouri Program during the first Buy Missouri Week which runs through Friday. Kehoe says the Buy Missouri Program is designed to promote products manufactured in the state.

"That's simply identifying companies in Missouri that make products that we can identify.  It's free for those companies to join and we help identify them through our website  So when people would go shopping, they would maybe look at our website or maybe just look at the label as they go out and about, see what products are made in Missouri and try to help support our own Missouri companies and most importantly the employees that work there."

Kehoe made his comments during a recent visit to Maryville.   Before being named Lieutenant Governor, as a State Senator, Kehoe sponsored Senate Bill 891 establishing Buy Missouri Week.