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News Brief

Oct. 24, 2018Albany, MO |  By: Noah Cooper

Albany Fall Festival is this Saturday

The Hundley Whaley Research Center in Albany will host their fall festival this Saturday. Superintendent Jennifer Miller says the event helps the Research Center engage with the community.

"Every year we have a fall festival. We hope that every child who comes to the fall festival will leave with a pumpkin.  Kind of 1st come, 1st serve.  We have over 300 pumpkins and I sincerely hope that we run out.

Miller adds the festival will include games, rides and food. 

"We also have hot dogs and cookies and chips for them to eat when they come in.  We have a whole lot of games.  We're going to have a corn maze.  We're going to have a corn pit where they get to dig in and find some treasures. 4-H, the Gentry County 4-H is going to sponsor a whole lot of games.  We also have a horse-drawn wagon - a hay ride - and a little train to give the kids a ride around."

The festival is open to the public and will be held at the Hundley Whaley Research Center located on the southwest edge of Albany this Saturday from 5 to 7 p-m.