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News Brief

Oct. 22, 2018Maryville, MO |  By: John Coffey

Undercover drug investigation leads to 2 arrests

An undercover drug investigation conducted by the Nodaway County Sheriff's Department and assisted by the Maryville Public Safety Department last week resulted in two arrests: 24-year-old Kyle Jackson Leslie, who has since been sent to prison on a probation violation and 18-year-old Ethan Isaac Fredricks of Maryville, who has been charged with a class D felony possession of a controlled substance, methamphetimine and a Class E felony of attempted stealing. Nodaway County Prosecuting Attorney Robert Rice says the arrests come from the 13th undercover drug investigation conducted in the county. Rice says law enforcement officials will continue similar efforts to take drug dealers in Nodaway County off the streets.

".....with using partial undercover informants.  What we do there is we find individuals that do drugs.  They pick up with charges themselves and we then give them an offer they can't refuse.  They turn into cooperating citizens and they help us locate those who deal drugs to them.  The drug dealers are the ones that attract criminal behavior.  They attract individuals who not only do drugs, but then those people turn around and commit other crimes.  We know this because we follow the statistics.  Well over 50% of people who commit the offense of possessing drugs commit other crimes like domestic violence, stealing, and property damages."