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News Brief

Aug. 27, 2018Jefferson City, MO |  By: Molly Gardner

MDC to require non-toxic shot for dove hunting

The Missouri Department of Conservation is proposing regulations that will require the use of nontoxic shot for hunting doves on 20 conservation areas with heavy, concentrated dove hunting. Lead is a well-known poison that hurts the health of both people and wildlife. Spokesperson for the Missouri Department of Conservation Joe Jerek says the department proposed adding new regulations for dove hunting.

"The commission approved a couple proposed regulations that essentially would require the use of non-toxic or non-lead shot for hunting doves on 20 conservation areas that really have pretty heavy concentrated dove hunting. And the commission is also proposing adding 16 other conservation areas to the 21 that we currently have where non-toxic shot or non-lead shot is already required for all hunting with shotguns."

"The proposed effective date is March 1st, 2019 and MDC really is welcoming public comment during October online.  And we will also be posting signs at these conservation areas and letting folks know where they can make their comments online."

To make an online comment about the proposition of nontoxic shot, hunters can go to the Missouri Department of Conservation website.  Areas affected by the proposal include the Bilby Ranch Lake in Nodaway County.