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News Brief

June 13, 2019 |  By: Ryan Woltkamp

MDC offers help to keep invasive trees & shrubs out of grasslands

The Missouri Department of Conservation is offering help to keep invasive trees and shrubs out of grasslands.

MDC media specialist Bill Graham says whether landowners are maintaining grassland for wildlife and wildflowers or managing it for cattle, they might find trees or shrubs they don't want invading the grasslands.

"Something that's left unchecked can wind up either changing the diversity of a prairie, eliminating some stuff that you want, flowers you want, or else reducing the amount of grass and forb production that's good for forage for cattle."

Graham says the problem with shrubs and trees in grasslands has gotten worse recently in the state. Elk and buffalo used to graze and help keep the unwanted growth under control.

"We've changed that ecology there.  That and plus we've had a little warmer temperatures and a lot of moisture in recent decades.  According to climatologists, it's unprecedented wet, warm period.  That really benefits the shrubs and trees more than it is does the grasses.  The native prairie grasses being such deep-rooted things, they withstand drought a little better.  But a lot of moisture trees and shrubs gain advantage."

Graham says it's important to control shrub and tree growth on grasslands early to save time and money.

For assistance in controlling unwanted trees and shrubs in grasslands, landowners can contact their local conservation agent.