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News Brief

Nov. 13, 2018Maryville, MO |  By: Ryan Elliott

NW alumna talks about workplace harassment

A Northwest Missouri State alumna returned to Maryville recently to share her story of workplace harassment.
Kirsten Anderson, a 2000 Northwest graduate, met with students and faculty at Northwest during a Career Pathing session to tell her story. Anderson says the reason she speaks is to hopefully put an end to workplace harassment.

"People say, 'Oh, just leave' or 'Just say stop it'.  Number one, it's not that easy and number two, there are a lot of other factors.  This issue is so very complex and what I'm trying to do is to show some knowledge and dispel some myths about - like you said- what harassment is and what it is not and what the complexities that people face every day and how we can easily put an end to it once and for all."

Anderson also says the best way to help a situation like this is to have a conversation.

"I want everybody to simply talk about this, to bring it out of the shadows, to eliminate the stigmas.  So just talking about it in general, I think, is very positive."

Kirsten Anderson also met up with Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski to discuss workplace harassment for All Things Northwest.  You can hear a full conversation with Northwest alumna Kirsten Anderson here:

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