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News Brief

Nov. 8, 2018Iowa City, IA |  By: AP

Iowan M. Whitaker named temporary attorney general

The man who will serve at least temporarily as the nation's top law enforcement official is a Republican Party loyalist from Iowa who has called for limiting special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
Matthew G. Whitaker will become the nation's acting attorney general following the forced resignation of Jeff Sessions. President Donald Trump announced the appointment Wednesday. He says a permanent attorney general will be nominated later.
Whitaker, who is 49, is a former federal prosecutor and has served as Sessions' chief of staff for one year.
Most of Whitaker's relevant experience came when he served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa from 2004 until 2009. In that role, he managed attorneys who prosecuted federal crimes and represented the government in civil matters in half of Iowa.