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News Brief

Sept. 17, 2018Jefferson City, MO |  By: AP

Governor Parson to sign 2 bills after special session passes new measures

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson's spokeswoman says he will sign two bills on treatment courts and computer science education.

Parson in a statement praised the measures, which were passed Friday by lawmakers.

Parson called lawmakers back to the Capitol this week for a special session. He asked them to rework two bills he vetoed in July. Parson appears satisfied with the changes. Lawmakers passed a stripped-down
treatment courts bill following Parson's criticism that the earlier version unconstitutionally addressed multiple topics.

They also attempted to broaden bidding requirements for an online course intended to boost career awareness of science, technology, engineering and mathematics professions. Parson vetoed another version, saying the bidding criteria appeared to apply to only one company.

That bill also will allow Missouri high school students to apply a computer science credit toward math, science or practical art credits needed for graduation.