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News Brief

April 5, 2019 |  By: Lily Lopez

Heartland Foundation offering scholarships

The Heartland Foundation is currently offering scholarships to students in post-secondary education. From students who are completing a certificate program, associate or bachelor's degree, or a graduate program, all have an opportunity to apply. Ten scholarship funds have been established at Heartland Foundation over the past several decades to help students. An additional six education emPowers scholarships are offered through a partnership between Heartland, Healthy Communities Regional Investor Partners, and several other regional post-secondary education institutions. Resource Coordinator for Heartland, Sandra Weber, says that most of the scholarships serve students in the midwest region.

"Geographically restricted to northwest Missouri and a few southern counties of Iowa, northeast of Kansas, and southeast of Nebraska.'

Weber urges students to go through every scholarship and carefully go over the criteria.

"What the scholars know is they're looking is please read specifically what each scholarship is for. Make sure they're qualified and follow the directions on the narrative.  Each one has a checklist, so make sure they've answered all the questions and assembled what they need together."

Most scholarship deadlines are set for April 15th but check each scholarship for more details. For more information, visit